Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"Three!? Three WHAT, huh?"

Went swimming with my elementary school students Friday a week ago.  I showed off my butterfly technique (when I told them it was my specialty, they were all "oh! awesome!"); being 5 years out of practice means I left the pool really sore, but I still got it!

The elementary students were of course keen to study my body moreso than my technique--lots of requests for muscle flexes and such, along with plenty of poking and some hugs, the hug being a new tactic in an attempt to sap my body heat (it was a cool overcast day at the outdoor pool).

At one point on the deck, a 6th grade boy leans over and examines my crotch*.
"Yappari, mit-tsu aru. [I knew it, there's three!]"

Something about curiousity and cats.  He got a good poke attack for that one.

(*I was in a speedo--I've kept it from high school.  It's so small, why not pack it everywhere?)

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